Workplace Harassment in the Office Workplace Harassment in the Office

Compliance Collection by Training Network


Harassment encompasses a wide variety of behavior, from practical jokes to intimidation. This thorough program covers the nature of workplace harassment, types of harassment, and how to prevent it in the workplace. It also teaches employees how to recognize harassment and what to do if they become a harassment victim. Included on the DVD is a Leader’s Guide, End of Course Quiz, Completion Certificate, and Attendance Log.

Harassment encompasses a wide variety of behavior, from practical jokes to intimidation. This thorough program covers the nature of workplace harassment, types of harassment, and how to prevent it in the workplace. It also teaches employees how to recognize harassment and what to do if they become a harassment victim. Included on the DVD is a Leader’s Guide, End of Course Quiz, Completion Certificate, and Attendance Log.

Topics covered also include:
  • How to handle verbal abuse and threats
  • The many forms of sexual harassment
  • Knowing what to do and what not to do when confronted by a stalker
  • Recognize the variations of assault and more!
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