Active Shooter: Surviving An Attack Active Shooter: Surviving An Attack

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All too often these days, we hear about active shooter incidents. Are your employees trained to survive if one of these situations takes place where they work? This Surviving An Attack training program provides step-by-step explanations of the survival techniques that law enforcement agencies recommend to help people get through an active shooter incident safely.

All too often these days, we hear about active shooter incidents. Are your employees trained to survive if one of these situations takes place where they work? This Surviving An Attack training program provides step-by-step explanations of the survival techniques that law enforcement agencies recommend to help people get through an active shooter incident safely.

Topics covered also include:
  • Preparing for the unpredictable
  • Recognizing and surviving an attack
  • Running from a shooter
  • Hiding from a shooter
  • Fighting a shooter
  • What to do when the police arrive
  • and more!
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