Powered industrial trucks, commonly called forklifts or lift trucks, are used in many industries, primarily to move materials. Under OSHA's Powered Industrial Truck standard 29 CFR 1910.178, employers are required to provide training on the specific types of forklifts used in their workplace. In addition, retraining of employees is required every three years or in the event of an accident or near miss, or if observed operation a lift truck unsafely.

Powered industrial trucks, commonly called forklifts or lift trucks, are used in many industries, primarily to move materials. Under OSHA's Powered Industrial Truck standard 29 CFR 1910.178, employers are required to provide training on the specific types of forklifts used in their workplace. In addition, retraining of employees is required every three years or in the event of an accident or near miss, or if observed operation a lift truck unsafely.

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  • Intro to Skid Steer Loaders

    Intro to Skid Steer Loaders Intro to Skid Steer Loaders

    • English
    You will learn the characteristics of a skid steer, the best practices for its safe operation, and how to recognize common skid steer safety hazards and how to avoid them....
    You will learn the characteristics of a skid steer, the best practices for its safe operation, and how to recognize common skid steer safety hazards and how to avoid them....
  • Forklift Safety Industrial Counterbalance Lift Trucks Forklift Safety Industrial Counterbalance Lift Trucks

    • English
    • Spanish
    Our program on Forklift Safety: Industrial Counterbalance Lift Trucks gives employees the information they need to properly maintain and safely operate a forklift, the most common type of industrial counterbalance...
    Our program on Forklift Safety: Industrial Counterbalance Lift Trucks gives employees the information they need to properly maintain and safely operate a forklift, the most common type of industrial counterbalance...
  • Forklift and Powered Industrial Truck Safety Forklift and Powered Industrial Truck Safety

    • English
    • Spanish
    Our program on Forklift and Powered Industrial Truck Safety gives employees the information they need to work safely with this equipment, while helping employers comply with OSHA's Powered Industrial Truck...
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  • Forklift Safety for Pedestrians Forklift Safety for Pedestrians

    • English
    • Spanish
    Our program on Forklift Safety for Pedestrians gives employees the information they need to stay safe when they are walking in an area where forklifts operate. When you're on foot...
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  • Forklift Pedestrian Safety for Operators Forklift Pedestrian Safety for Operators

    • English
    • Spanish
    Our program on Forklift Pedestrian Safety for Operators gives employees the information they need to operate a forklift safely in pedestrian areas, and discusses how they can stay safe when...
    Our program on Forklift Pedestrian Safety for Operators gives employees the information they need to operate a forklift safely in pedestrian areas, and discusses how they can stay safe when...
  • Aerial Lifts in Industrial and Construction Environments: Types of Lifts and Their Hazards Aerial Lifts in Industrial and Construction Environments: Types of Lifts and Their Hazards

    • English
    Our course on Aerial Lifts in Industrial and Construction Environments: Types of Lifts and Their Hazards is the first of a of a two-part series that has been designed to...
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  • Aerial Lifts in Industrial and Construction Environments: Working With and Around a Lift Aerial Lifts in Industrial and Construction Environments: Working With and Around a Lift

    • English
    Our course on Aerial Lifts in Industrial and Construction Environments: Working With a Lift or on the Ground Around One is the second of a two-part series that has been...
    Our course on Aerial Lifts in Industrial and Construction Environments: Working With a Lift or on the Ground Around One is the second of a two-part series that has been...
  • Scissor Lifts in Industrial and Construction Environments Scissor Lifts in Industrial and Construction Environments

    • English
    Our course on Scissor Lifts in Industrial and Construction Environments has been designed to meet OSHA's training requirements in their "Mobile Elevated Work Platforms" (MEWPs) standard. It discusses the hazards...
    Our course on Scissor Lifts in Industrial and Construction Environments has been designed to meet OSHA's training requirements in their "Mobile Elevated Work Platforms" (MEWPs) standard. It discusses the hazards...
  • To The Point About: PITs and Pedestrian Safety To The Point About: PITs and Pedestrian Safety

    • English
    • Spanish
    Our workplace is full of hazards, hazards that can hurt us or kill us. Controlling these hazards and preventing injuries is the point of our safety and health program. One...
    Our workplace is full of hazards, hazards that can hurt us or kill us. Controlling these hazards and preventing injuries is the point of our safety and health program. One...
  • The Point About: The Safe Use and Operation of Order Selectors The Point About: The Safe Use and Operation of Order Selectors

    • English
    • Spanish
    Order selectors are considered by OSHA to be a type of Powered Industrial Truck. As part of an organization's Powered Industrial Truck training program, operators of order selectors must receive...
    Order selectors are considered by OSHA to be a type of Powered Industrial Truck. As part of an organization's Powered Industrial Truck training program, operators of order selectors must receive...
  • Cal/OSHA Forklift Operator Training Cal/OSHA Forklift Operator Training

    • English
    • Spanish
    One hazard in many industrial workplaces is the unsafe operation of powered industrial trucks, commonly called forklifts or lift trucks. Ensuring that drivers operate forklifts in a safe manner can...
    One hazard in many industrial workplaces is the unsafe operation of powered industrial trucks, commonly called forklifts or lift trucks. Ensuring that drivers operate forklifts in a safe manner can...
  • Safe Use and Operation of Forklifts Safe Use and Operation of Forklifts

    • English
    • Spanish
    Forklifts, also called lift trucks or powered industrial trucks, are powerful machines that are invaluable in the movement of products and materials in warehousing, industry and construction. These useful machines...
    Forklifts, also called lift trucks or powered industrial trucks, are powerful machines that are invaluable in the movement of products and materials in warehousing, industry and construction. These useful machines...
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