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  • Safe Electrical Work Practices and the 2024 NFPA® 70E® for Electrical Workers Safe Electrical Work Practices and the 2024 NFPA® 70E® for Electrical Workers

    • English
    This program provides electrical workers with an understanding of the requirements of the 2024 NFPA® 70E® that relate to the safe performance of electrical work. It explains the dual hazards...
    This program provides electrical workers with an understanding of the requirements of the 2024 NFPA® 70E® that relate to the safe performance of electrical work. It explains the dual hazards...
  • Forklift Operator Certification Series Forklift Operator Certification Series

    • English
    • Spanish
    The four (4) video lessons in this comprehensive Program are designed to help certify operators at your facility while ensuring that trainees receive the appropriate training that will help prevent...
    The four (4) video lessons in this comprehensive Program are designed to help certify operators at your facility while ensuring that trainees receive the appropriate training that will help prevent...
  • Safe Electrical Work Practices and the 2024 NFPA® 70E® for Electrical Workers, Concise Safe Electrical Work Practices and the 2024 NFPA® 70E® for Electrical Workers, Concise

    • English
    This program provides electrical workers with an understanding of the requirements of the 2024 NFPA® 70E® that relate to the safe performance of electrical work. It explains the dual hazards...
    This program provides electrical workers with an understanding of the requirements of the 2024 NFPA® 70E® that relate to the safe performance of electrical work. It explains the dual hazards...
  • Employee Safety Orientation Pack: Starting Out Right Employee Safety Orientation Pack: Starting Out Right

    • English
    • Spanish
    Starting a new job can be confusing and even a bit stressful for most people. There is always a lot to learn ranging from where the break room is to...
    Starting a new job can be confusing and even a bit stressful for most people. There is always a lot to learn ranging from where the break room is to...
  • Active Shooter: Surviving An Attack Active Shooter: Surviving An Attack

    • English
    • Spanish
    All too often these days, we hear about active shooter incidents. Are your employees trained to survive if one of these situations takes place where they work? This Surviving An Attack...
    All too often these days, we hear about active shooter incidents. Are your employees trained to survive if one of these situations takes place where they work? This Surviving An Attack...
  • Asbestos Awareness Asbestos Awareness

    • English
    • Spanish
    OSHA's Occupational Exposure to Asbestos Regulation (29 CFR 1910.1101) requires that all employees who could come into contact with materials that might contain asbestos be given appropriate training on working...
    OSHA's Occupational Exposure to Asbestos Regulation (29 CFR 1910.1101) requires that all employees who could come into contact with materials that might contain asbestos be given appropriate training on working...
  • De-escalation Techniques Amid COVID-19 Restrictions De-escalation Techniques Amid COVID-19 Restrictions

    • English
    Conflicts...sometimes they can't be avoided. But, they can be managed and their effects minimized. This video talks about techniques to de-escalate almost any situation and even ways that conflict can...
    Conflicts...sometimes they can't be avoided. But, they can be managed and their effects minimized. This video talks about techniques to de-escalate almost any situation and even ways that conflict can...
  • Fire Prevention in the Office Fire Prevention in the Office

    • English
    • Spanish
    Every year more than a million fire emergencies are reported in the United States, with over 3,000 of them taking place in offices. These fires cause injuries, deaths, and total...
    Every year more than a million fire emergencies are reported in the United States, with over 3,000 of them taking place in offices. These fires cause injuries, deaths, and total...
  • Return To Work Post COVID-19 Return To Work Post COVID-19

    • English
    COVID-19 has had a devastating impact on us all. And, as many of us transition back to work, there are a lot of unknowns and questions that may naturally arise....
    COVID-19 has had a devastating impact on us all. And, as many of us transition back to work, there are a lot of unknowns and questions that may naturally arise....
  • Lawn Mower Safety Lawn Mower Safety

    • English
    This program will help teach your employees how to operate commercial lawn mowers safely. Topics include the importance of reading the operator's manual for the lawnmower being used, how to...
    This program will help teach your employees how to operate commercial lawn mowers safely. Topics include the importance of reading the operator's manual for the lawnmower being used, how to...
  • Landscape Safety Orientation Landscape Safety Orientation

    • English
    • Spanish
    Landscaping equipment can be dangerous when not handled properly. Trimmers, mowers, and other sharp utensils are just a part of the job, and they can cause serious injury in the...
    Landscaping equipment can be dangerous when not handled properly. Trimmers, mowers, and other sharp utensils are just a part of the job, and they can cause serious injury in the...
  • Return To Work Post COVID-19 - Hospitality Return To Work Post COVID-19 - Hospitality

    • English
    • Spanish
    COVID-19 has had a devastating impact on us all. And, as many of us transition back to work, there are a lot of unknowns and questions that may naturally arise....
    COVID-19 has had a devastating impact on us all. And, as many of us transition back to work, there are a lot of unknowns and questions that may naturally arise....
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