Safety Awareness II: Real Accidents, Real Stories Safety Awareness II: Real Accidents, Real Stories

Safety Awareness & Attitudes Collection by Training Network

20 min

Let experienced workers tell your employees how complacency toward safety changed their lives. In this video, real workers talk about how ignoring safety guidelines led to their on-the-job accidents and injuries. Each of these workers relates how their injury has affected their job, their personal life and their attitude towards safety.

Let experienced workers tell your employees how complacency toward safety changed their lives. In this video, real workers talk about how ignoring safety guidelines led to their on-the-job accidents and injuries. Each of these workers relates how their injury has affected their job, their personal life and their attitude towards safety.

Topics covered also include:
  • Common dangers in the workplace
  • Dangers of safety complacency
  • Safety guidelines & procedures
  • Importance of proper PPE
  • Safety training
  • Life-changing effects of accidents
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