Cyber Security Awareness Part 5: Internet And Physical Security Cyber Security Awareness Part 5: Internet And Physical Security

Computer Skills Collection by Training Network


The fifth and final part of this series on cyber security awareness, continues to explore digital risks via an interview with a black hat hacker. These risks may come from benign activities such as using the Wi-Fi hotspot at your local coffeeshop or hotel. This part of the series explains these hazards and provides tips to protect yourself when you need to use the internet in public. This lesson demonstrates the steps you can take when browsing the internet to decrease the risk of becoming the victim of a cyber-attack. We all use the internet on a daily basis. Therefore, it is important to know how to best protect ourselves and our personal information. Utilize the material provided in this training video and make yourself, and your data, more secure.

The fifth and final part of this series on cyber security awareness, continues to explore digital risks via an interview with a black hat hacker. These risks may come from benign activities such as using the Wi-Fi hotspot at your local coffeeshop or hotel. This part of the series explains these hazards and provides tips to protect yourself when you need to use the internet in public. This lesson demonstrates the steps you can take when browsing the internet to decrease the risk of becoming the victim of a cyber-attack. We all use the internet on a daily basis. Therefore, it is important to know how to best protect ourselves and our personal information. Utilize the material provided in this training video and make yourself, and your data, more secure.

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