Bloodborne Pathogens - The Unexpected Hazard - Concise Bloodborne Pathogens - The Unexpected Hazard - Concise

Bloodborne Pathogens Collection by Training Network

9 min

Bloodborne pathogens are sometimes called the "Unexpected Hazard” because most people don't expect to come into contact with blood or bodily fluids when performing normal job duties. Nevertheless, an unexpected encounter with bloodborne pathogens can happen at anytime. Knowing how to respond properly when confronted with blood and other bodily fluids is critical to everyone's health and safety. Comply with OSHA Standard 1910.1030 and train employees to take appropriate actions when encountering bloodborne pathogens unexpectedly.

Bloodborne pathogens are sometimes called the "Unexpected Hazard” because most people don't expect to come into contact with blood or bodily fluids when performing normal job duties. Nevertheless, an unexpected encounter with bloodborne pathogens can happen at anytime. Knowing how to respond properly when confronted with blood and other bodily fluids is critical to everyone's health and safety. Comply with OSHA Standard 1910.1030 and train employees to take appropriate actions when encountering bloodborne pathogens unexpectedly.

Topics covered also include:
  • Modes of transmission
  • The Exposure Control Plan
  • Occupational exposure
  • Universal precautions
  • Barrier devices
  • Handling, disposal and disinfection of potentially infectious materials
  • Responding to an exposure
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