Trenching & Shoring Safety - The Competent Person Trenching & Shoring Safety - The Competent Person

Construction Safety Collection by Training Network

25 min

It occurs year after year, workers needlessly dying in trench cave-ins. The tragedy lies with the fact that these workers should have never have been in a situation in which their lives were on the line. Based on National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health statistics, an average of 60 workers die in cave-ins annually. According to NIOSH, these deaths are entirely preventable. This video program is designed to train your employees what the responsibilities of competent person are, along with what is required to keep in compliance with CFR 1926.650.

It occurs year after year, workers needlessly dying in trench cave-ins. The tragedy lies with the fact that these workers should have never have been in a situation in which their lives were on the line. Based on National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health statistics, an average of 60 workers die in cave-ins annually. According to NIOSH, these deaths are entirely preventable. This video program is designed to train your employees what the responsibilities of competent person are, along with what is required to keep in compliance with CFR 1926.650.

Topics covered also include:
  • Causes of fatalities
  • Causes of cave-ins
  • Hazardous atmospheres
  • Soil classification & testing
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