Take Safety Home: Preventing Off-The-Job Injuries Take Safety Home: Preventing Off-The-Job Injuries

Courses by AP Safety Training Collection by Training Network


After working 25 years as a firefighter and paramedic, Martin Lesperance has treated thousands of injuries and medical emergencies. As a former EMT, Martin knows that the majority of injuries occur off the job and conducted this presentation in front of a live audience to encourage all workers to "take safety home". In this video Martin recalls many true stories of off-job incidents resulting in injuries and deaths to illustrate the importance of such critical safety issues as thinking about the repercussions of your actions, heeding warning signs and labels, the importance of PPE off the job, and preventing motor vehicle collisions and house fires.

After working 25 years as a firefighter and paramedic, Martin Lesperance has treated thousands of injuries and medical emergencies. As a former EMT, Martin knows that the majority of injuries occur off the job and conducted this presentation in front of a live audience to encourage all workers to "take safety home". In this video Martin recalls many true stories of off-job incidents resulting in injuries and deaths to illustrate the importance of such critical safety issues as thinking about the repercussions of your actions, heeding warning signs and labels, the importance of PPE off the job, and preventing motor vehicle collisions and house fires.

Topics covered also include:
  • The "weekend warrior" syndrome.
  • Avoiding slips, trips and falls.
  • Taking it easy on long weekends and holidays.
  • The correlation between alcohol consumption and the amount of off-job injuries and fatalities.
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