To The Point About: Industrial Crane Safety To The Point About: Industrial Crane Safety

Crane Safety Collection by Training Network

To The Point About: The Proper Use of Fire Extinguishers

To The Point About: The Proper Use of Fire Extinguishers

The Respiratory Protection Program: Employee Training - Concise

The Respiratory Protection Program: Employee Training - Concise

12 min

Our workplace is full of hazards, hazards that can hurt or even kill us. One such hazard is presented by the movement of materials by an industrial crane. This can be quite hazardous to operators, pedestrians, and company property. Comply with OSHA Standard 1910.179 by ensuring that operators of industrial cranes are fully trained and always operate their crane in a safe manner. This DVD contains both English and Spanish versions.

Our workplace is full of hazards, hazards that can hurt or even kill us. One such hazard is presented by the movement of materials by an industrial crane. This can be quite hazardous to operators, pedestrians, and company property. Comply with OSHA Standard 1910.179 by ensuring that operators of industrial cranes are fully trained and always operate their crane in a safe manner. This DVD contains both English and Spanish versions.

Topics covered also include:
  • Pre-Operational Inspection
  • Sling Inspection
  • Proper Rigging Procedures
  • Lifting & Moving Loads Safely
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