Safety Housekeeping and Accident Prevention in Construction Environments Safety Housekeeping and Accident Prevention in Construction Environments

Construction Safety Collection by Training Network


Our course on Safety Housekeeping and Accident Prevention in Construction Environments discusses basic steps employees can take to protect themselves and their coworkers from hazardous situations. They will learn how to identify both obvious and hidden hazards, how maintain a good “safety attitude”, develop positive “safety habits” and recognize their capabilities and limitations.

Areas covered in the course include how to develop a good “safety attitude”, how to maintain a safe work environment, the correct use of tools and equipment, recognizing and storing hazardous materials, cleaning up and disposing of hazardous materials after a spill, selecting the right personal protective equipment for the job, and more.

This course presents fundamental information on how employees can use good safety housekeeping practices to prevent accidents in construction environments. Upon completing the course, employees should:
- Understand how maintaining their work environment can help to prevent accidents and injuries on the job.
- Understand how using safe work practices can help them avoid hazards on the job.
- Know specific housekeeping and work procedures that they can use to work more safely.

Our course on Safety Housekeeping and Accident Prevention in Construction Environments discusses basic steps employees can take to protect themselves and their coworkers from hazardous situations. They will learn how to identify both obvious and hidden hazards, how maintain a good “safety attitude”, develop positive “safety habits” and recognize their capabilities and limitations.

Areas covered in the course include how to develop a good “safety attitude”, how to maintain a safe work environment, the correct use of tools and equipment, recognizing and storing hazardous materials, cleaning up and disposing of hazardous materials after a spill, selecting the right personal protective equipment for the job, and more.

This course presents fundamental information on how employees can use good safety housekeeping practices to prevent accidents in construction environments. Upon completing the course, employees should:
- Understand how maintaining their work environment can help to prevent accidents and injuries on the job.
- Understand how using safe work practices can help them avoid hazards on the job.
- Know specific housekeeping and work procedures that they can use to work more safely.

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