Bloodborne Pathogens for Custodians Bloodborne Pathogens for Custodians

Bloodborne Pathogens Collection by Training Network

12 min

Bloodborne Pathogens for Custodians:

Maintenance and custodial workers regularly encounter situations where they could be exposed to a bloodborne pathogen. This video, produced especially for custodian and maintenance staff, demonstrates how custodians and maintenance workers can safely clean up spills of blood or other potentially infectious materials without risking exposure.

Bloodborne Pathogens for Custodians:

Maintenance and custodial workers regularly encounter situations where they could be exposed to a bloodborne pathogen. This video, produced especially for custodian and maintenance staff, demonstrates how custodians and maintenance workers can safely clean up spills of blood or other potentially infectious materials without risking exposure.

Topics covered also include:
  • What bloodborne pathogens are
  • Diseases that could be transmitted
  • Potential exposure routes
  • How to protect yourself from exposure
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