
Over the years employers have discovered that their employees miss more time from work as a result of off-the-job accidents than due to injuries experienced on the job. Many of these accidents occur during the winter holidays, as employees do things that they are not familiar with or haven't done since last year. Fortunately, most of these accidents can be prevented through effective training. Included on the DVD is a Leader’s Guide, End of Course Quiz, Completion Certificate, and Attendance Log.

Over the years employers have discovered that their employees miss more time from work as a result of off-the-job accidents than due to injuries experienced on the job. Many of these accidents occur during the winter holidays, as employees do things that they are not familiar with or haven't done since last year. Fortunately, most of these accidents can be prevented through effective training. Included on the DVD is a Leader’s Guide, End of Course Quiz, Completion Certificate, and Attendance Log.

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